Mission Statement
The mission of the National Road and Zane Grey Museum is to preserve the history of the National Road and its impact upon the growth of the nation. It also honors the writings of Zanesville native, renowned western author, Zane Grey and displays examples of historic regional pottery.

What to expect
Guided tours take an hour on average but this timing can change depending on the visitor's level of interest. You can also self guide.
Your tour will start with a brief overview of the history leading up to the creation of the National Road that takes place at our 3D map. Then you will be taken along the 136 foot diorama. Not only does the diorama travel the length of the National Road but it also travels through time; showing the developmental stages of the road. A few pit stops are made to view the Conestoga wagon and a tavern recreation.
Next, you will learn of Zane Greys boyhood in Zanesville and the events that lead to his stardom by viewing the many displays centered around items from his life. Even view a recreation of the study in which some of hist best stories were conceived. An optional stop into our classroom to watch an informational film on Zane's life can be made. While there, look for the book of letters between Zane and his wife Dolly. They are a treasurer trove of love and turmoil.
You will finish your tour in our local pottery exhibit. This room displays a wide variety of potter centered around Zanesville. Make sure to look in all directions to insure you don't miss some of the extraordinary artwork within.